Donate Now

Donate Now and Support DRU

At Doberman Rescue Unlimited we appreciate your support. If you are passionate about helping our rescue dogs and are interested in helping the community, help us. DRU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that relies solely on membership dues, donations and fund-raising activities for its income. You can become a member or get involved. We always appreciate donations of money, items on our wish list or your precious time. Help our cause and donate today.

When someone you know loses their companion, you can make a donation in the companion’s name and we will send a card to the person advising them that you made a donation. Did someone who loves canines pass? You can make a donation in that person’s name. What about a birthday or anniversary gift? You can make a donation in someone’s honor and we can send that person a card letting them know you made a donation in their honor. You may select “In Memory Of,” “In Celebration Of,” or “Donation,” after clicking on the Donate Now button below.

Donation Options & Membership

DRU Membership


Become a member of Doberman Rescue Unlimited. We need your help in rescuing unwanted, abused and abandoned Dobes. You can make a contribution to that effort by joining DRU.

For only $25.00 annually you get: DRU’s semi-annual “Dobes in a Pinsch” newsletter, Notification of all DRU special events, a great feeling because you will be helping to save homeless Dobermans. You don’t need to be from New England to become a member.

Donation to DRU

Any Amount

Donation to the General DRU Fund. You will be able to donate any amount of your choosing and have the option of also choosing whether your donation is in memory/celebration of a dog. You can also set up a monthly recurring donation to support DRU.

General donations to the General DRU Fund will go to support the Dobermans we take in. Funds are expended on kennel staff, food, veterinary care, supplies, telephone, utilities, etc.

Donation to DRU SSNAP Dogs

Any Amount

Donation to the Senior and Special Need Advocacy Program (SSNAP), which provides for older Dobermans and those with medical or behavioral issues who can be shelter residents for a long time. SSNAP dogs often have the added expense of medication, special diet, supplements, training, etc. You can also set up a monthly recurring donation.

SSNAP donations will be used to provide ongoing, supportive care for these wonderful dogs.

Donation to DRU Endowment

Any Amount

Your help is needed now more than ever. Please help secure the future for DRU and all of the Dobermans in our care. You will be able to donate any amount of your choosing and have the option of choosing. We can also accept securities.

Note that donating appreciated securities allows you to take a tax donation equal to the market value at the time of donation, regardless of the original cost.

Last, if you want to donate by check instead of credit card, please print out the order form at the checkout and send it and your check made payable to DRU, Inc. to:

Doberman Rescue Unlimited, Inc.
52 Tenney Rd.
Sandown NH 03873

Looking for Other Ways to Support DRU?

Head over to the DRU Marketplace to find information on memberships, holiday cards & calendars, merchandise, and products like commemorative bricks, perpetual plaques, and memorial plaques.

Commemorative Bricks

DRU is offering Commemorative Bricks to contributors. For a $200 donation, a brick will be engraved with your personal message in memory of or in honor of a special animal or person. Each brick is incorporated into the walkway in our memorial garden adjacent to the shelter. Bricks ordered together will be placed together. A Certificate will be sent to you in recognition of your order. Click below to print out a brick order form.

Commemorative Brick Order Form

DRU Perpetual Plaques

Honor your beloved DRU Dobe or family member with an engraved nameplate on the Doberman Rescue Unlimited Perpetual Plaques. In Loving Memory, In honor of, and one for our SSNAPS (Special, and Senior Needs Advocacy Program).

Perpetual Plaque Nameplate Order Form

Memorial Plaques

For a $250 donation we are offering contributors the opportunity to have a plaque with a name (yours, in memory of, a pet) and a dedication message, placed in our memorial hall at the shelter. These are “brass effect” laminate plaques.

We are also offering the opportunity to donors to sponsor one of our dedicated areas in the shelter. For a $1000 donation, a sponsor will be able to dedicate one of our specialized areas. An engraved polished brass plaque will be displayed in the available area of your choice. See form for available spaces.

Memorial Hall Sponsorship Form

Dedicated Area Sponsorship Form

Learn more about how you can make a difference today.